St. Dominic Savio’s High School was the brainchild of two great educationists late Joseph Galstaun and his wife Molly Galstaun. Both were well known for their teaching skills and the institution that imparts quality education today is the result of their hard work, dedication and sacrifice. It is not a buidling or imposing structure that makes an institution diffrent from the rest, it is the quality, dedication and toil put in by its management and staff that gets its recognistion, and this is true in respect to this institution the students of which have achieved success not only in the country but abroad as well. Students are encouraged to participate in Elocution contests, debates, General Knowledge Contests, Spelling Contets, Drawing and painting contests in order to show case their hidden talent.
Stress is laid on co-curricluar activities in order to build in the students a sense of self confidence and a spirit of sportmanship which many children lack these days due to the introduction of video & computer games,ipods, play stations etc. which makes the students stay indoors most of the time. Students are encouraged to play the usual games indoor as well as outdoor. Equal importance is given to games along with academics.